After nearly a week of needless medical worries, I'm finally back to my usual self and routine. Oh yeah, I'm on duty for the whole month so hello again requirements and pitiful duty hours. Hello DTR, ICU, OR, DR and blah blah.. *bummed. haha
I've got tons of homework, reviews and requirements and I have no clear idea when, what and how to start. Tsk tsk. The pile of the "must-do" seems to pile up at a faster rate every day and I'm having quite a hard time keeping up.
I'm doomed. haha
Must work harder this time then. haha
Good luck for me! ^^
same here, got tons of work to do esp. my overdue case study. naks! hahah.ü
yie: ana jud na.. haha.. this is waht we call "graduatingness".. haha
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